Planning Services/ Project Objective:
Permission in Principle followed by appeal
Pollyanna, Oldford, Frome, Somerset
Local Planning Authority (LPA):
Somerset Council
Duration of Application/ Timeframe for Approval:
Application period 5 weeks. Appeal approximately 6 months.
Submission Requirements:
Planning Statement
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (Quantock Ecology)
Access Statement (Bellamy Transport)
Tree Survey (Hellis Solutions)
Full plans (Tim Cole Downes)
Foul and Surface Water Strategy (Enviren Ltd)
Overview of Development Project
This is a site on edge of Oldford, a village just outside Frome. The site would not normally be considered to be a sustainable location for new development, but given a number of factors, including the Council’s inability to demonstrate a 5-year supply of deliverable housing land, Permission in Principle was granted by the Inspector at appeal.
Planning in Principle is a quick and cost-effective way of establishing the principle of development. The issues to be considered at the Permission in Principle stage are limited to: location; land use; and amount of development.
The timescale for the determination of a Permission in Principle application is 5 weeks from the day the LPA receives a valid application.
Now that permission has been granted in principle, this gives the applicant peace of mind to apply for Technical Details Consent. This requires considerable investment as details of access, design and drainage are required for the site.
Call today to discuss your development: 01963 371180 or email